About Us
Vintage Paint will offer the restoration technician, the collector, or the hobbyist the best products at a reasonable price.
About me: I am a paint/body technician that has access to multiple paint lines of product and color information from multiple companies and I have an eye for tinting. Most of the colors that I supply will be custom formulas not available anywhere else. I use paint formulas, not codes.
If you purchase aerosol products, we have done extensive research to come up with the best aerosol/solvent/nozzle mix aerosol can available.
If you purchase paint to be sprayed with a paint gun, the paint will be ready to spray so multiple products will not be needed. Adding hardener is of course advised but optional unless you purchase urethane. Urethane will require hardener to be added by the end user.
Basecoat colors will also be offered.
Thank you for considering Vintage Paint as a supplier of your paint supplies.